Final destination 1 plane crash
Final destination 1 plane crash

final destination 1 plane crash

One sort of morbidly weird thing was a year prior, they had the pool drained for cleaning, and their other daughter fell into the empty pool and hurt herself pretty bad. They were having a cook out sort of thing with a bunch of friends and family, and the poor kid somehow ended up too close to the pump, got pulled under, and with all the people that were around, no one was paying super close attention and no noticed her missing until it was too late. It also packs all the tired cliches into the entire last half of the movie, which left me ultimately disappointed.A friend of my mom's 7-year-old daughter sadly died that exact same way. Final Destination is from X-Files writers Glen Morgan and James Wong and contains some truly smart writing and original action sequences. Unfortunately, like most horror films, it starts out great, then goes downhill with a predictable ending. Had this idea been further explored “Final Destination” could have risen above the crop of current bad teen horror movies. Here is where the film really had potential. The scene is even accompanied by exceedingly bad guitar folk music for true authenticity. There’s a funeral sequence that is staged much like the haunting images at Columbine.

final destination 1 plane crash

I found the first half of this film truly frightening as it dealt with the real life issues of the deaths of Alex’s friends. The deaths get far more ridiculous as it seems normal household appliances end up as the culprits - watch out for killer kitchen knives, evil electrical wires and pscyho cans of turpentine to go on a murderous rampage.

final destination 1 plane crash

Some of these “accidental” deaths border on the totally ridiculous as one student is offed with toilet water. We soon discover that each of the survivors, including Alex, was supposedly MEANT to die in the plane crash and are marked for death. He must now deal with the deaths of his classmates and the guilt at having survived. But before the plane takes off, Alex quickly exits and drags five of his friends with him. He has a frightening premonition that the plane will explode and everyone will die and guess what? It does. “Final Destination” is the tale of Alex, a teenager traveling with his high school class to France.

Final destination 1 plane crash